Ninebot elektrinis paspirtukas ES2
Kasdienėms kelionėms ir pramogoms
Elektrinis paspirtukas Ninebot by Segway Kickscooter ES2 puikiai tiks ne tik kasdienėms kelionėms į darbą, bet ir smagioms pramogoms – pasiekia net 25 km/h greitį, įveikia iki 10 % įkalnę, net iki 25 km atstumą vienu įkrovimu (įkrovimo laikas iki 3,5 val.).
Type: Scooters
Dariaus ir Girėno g. 3AMarijampolė
Logged in: 15 hours ago
Responds in 1 hour on avg.
Feedback: 1 0
City: Marijampolė
Price per day: 8.00 €
Price per week: 40.00 €
Price per month: 80.00 €
Item value: 399.00 €
Minimal rental period: 1 day
Extra security:
Only available to users with confirmed identity
Pickup details:
After paying the rent using the platform, the item needs to be picked up from the Topo Centras store, Dariaus ir Girėno g. 3A (PC Norfa XL), Marijampolė.
- Opening hours: I-V from 10:00 to 19:00, VI from10:00 to18:00, VII - CLOSED.
Deposit: 40.00 €
Cancellation policy:
Rent is non-refundable if Borrower cancels already paid rent in less than 24 hours until start of the rent.