Lumix S5 Videografo rinkinys

Nuomoju pirmos kartos Lumix S5 rinkinĮ, skirtą filmavimui.
Puiki B kameros opcija, filmuojant interviu ar renginį.

Į komplektą standartiškai įeina:
20-60mm Lumix objektyvas (galimos kitos, manual focus opcijos)
Shure V-mic D4 mini
OSEE 4K raiškos monitorius
2 kameros baterijos ir įkroviklis
2 NP-F baterijos ir įkroviklis
128GB SD kortelė
Nitze tvirtinimo narvas ir rankenėlė

Make: Panasonic

Type: Film



Logged in: 1 week, 1 day ago
Feedback: 4 0

City: Vilnius

Price per day: 55.00 €

Price per week: 250.00 €

Item value: 2600.00 €

Minimal rental period: 1 day

Invoice: Full invoice not available

Cancellation policy:
Rent is non-refundable if Borrower cancels already paid rent in less than 24 hours until start of the rent.

How to rent this item?

  • Text to owner to ask about item’s availability.
  • After you get confirmation book an item.
  • Some of the owners can offer a discount after booking request.
  • When payment is completed owner’s contacts will be sent to you.
  • After returning item please leave a feedback.