Automobilio stogo skersiniai Menabo Tige

Aliumininiai stogo skersiniai, skirti automobiliams su standartiniais skersiniais, įrengti apsaugos nuo vagystės sistema, rakinami. Pristatomas visiškai sumontuotas, kartu su visais reikalingais įrankiais greitam ir paprastam uždėjimui.

Ilgis: 120 cm Krovinio
masė 90 kg
Pagaminta Italijoje
Gamintojas: Menabo


Logged in: on 8/5/24
Responds in 32 minutes on avg.
Response rate: 100%
Feedback: 5 0

City: Vilnius

Price per day: 5.00 €

Price per week: 30.00 €

Price per month: 100.00 €

Item value: 150.00 €

Minimal rental period: 1 day

Invoice: Full invoice not available

Deposit: 100.00 €

Cancellation policy:
Rent is non-refundable if Borrower cancels already paid rent in less than 24 hours until start of the rent.

How to rent this item?

  • Text to owner to ask about item’s availability.
  • After you get confirmation book an item.
  • Some of the owners can offer a discount after booking request.
  • When payment is completed owner’s contacts will be sent to you.
  • After returning item please leave a feedback.