Ford Focus 2, 2005
Nuo 25metu ir 3m stažas. Prieš rezervuojant, būtina susitarti dėl nuomos kainos.
Kaina paskaičiuoju individualiai.
Kaina paskaičiuoju individualiai.
Make: Ford
Model: Focus 2
Mileage: 250000 km
Fuel consumption: 6 l/100 km
1st registration: 2005
Fuel type: Diesel
Insurance type: Motor third party liability
Transmission type: Manual
Seats: 5
Country of use: Only in Lithuania
How to rent this item?
- Text to owner to ask about item’s availability.
- After you get confirmation book an item.
- Some of the owners can offer a discount after booking request.
- When payment is completed owner’s contacts will be sent to you.
- After returning item please leave a feedback.