Anglies dioksido nutekėjimo testeris
Anglies dioksido nutekėjimo testeris varikliams CO2 testeris nuoma
Anglies dioksido nutekėjimo testeris varikliams CO2 testeris nuoma
Diagnostinis prietaisas skirtas rasti nesandarumus aušinimo sistemoje
Reagentas keičia spalvą, reaguodamas į aušinimo skysčio bakelyje susikaupusias CO2 dujas (esant aušinimo sistemos nesandarumui):
Mėlyna spalva->Nerasta CO2 nuotėkio
Žalia spalva->CO2 nuotėkis
Geltona spalva->Didelis CO2 nuotėkis
For finding the smallest leaks such as leaking cylinder head gasket hairline cracks in the engine block, etc.
suitable for petrol, diesel and gas engines
allows the detection of very small amount carbon dioxide in the liquid coolant by discolouration of the test liquid (blue - green - yellow)
allows a perfect and easy diagnosis
test liquid can be used for further tests
tester with conical adaptor
empty bottle
Anglies dioksido nutekėjimo testeris varikliams CO2 testeris nuoma
Diagnostinis prietaisas skirtas rasti nesandarumus aušinimo sistemoje
Reagentas keičia spalvą, reaguodamas į aušinimo skysčio bakelyje susikaupusias CO2 dujas (esant aušinimo sistemos nesandarumui):
Mėlyna spalva->Nerasta CO2 nuotėkio
Žalia spalva->CO2 nuotėkis
Geltona spalva->Didelis CO2 nuotėkis
For finding the smallest leaks such as leaking cylinder head gasket hairline cracks in the engine block, etc.
suitable for petrol, diesel and gas engines
allows the detection of very small amount carbon dioxide in the liquid coolant by discolouration of the test liquid (blue - green - yellow)
allows a perfect and easy diagnosis
test liquid can be used for further tests
tester with conical adaptor
empty bottle
How to rent this item?
- Text to owner to ask about item’s availability.
- After you get confirmation book an item.
- Some of the owners can offer a discount after booking request.
- When payment is completed owner’s contacts will be sent to you.
- After returning item please leave a feedback.